Verfasser: Keiler, Peter

Titel: "What Is Absolutely Impossible for One Person, Is Possible for Two"

Untertitel: Annotations on Some Feuerbachian Elements in the Later Works of L. S. Vygotsky




Ort: k.A.

Jahr: 2003


Beschreibung: L. A. Radzikhovsky’s (Coll. Works, Vol. 1, p. 384) assertion that Vygotsky was not only “very familiar” with the work of the German materialist philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach “and valued it highly,” but beyond that “felt that Feuerbach’s ideas could be used as a point of departure for the construction of a Marxist materialistic psychology” (ibid.), seems to find its clearest evidence in the methodological work of the “early” Vygotsky (cf. Coll. Works, Vol. 3, pp. 116/322/324/327). As a consequence, less attention is commonly paid to the fact that also the work of the “later” Vygotsky (1931-34) was substantially influenced by some basic ideas of Feuerbach. Starting from two explicit references to Feuerbach in Vygotsky’s later work, I will first analyze several methodological problems of identifying the “subtext” or hidden meaning of these kinds of references, and subsequently explain the general significance of what may be called the “Feuerbach principle” in Vygotsky’s later work.

Datei: keiler_2005.pdf


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